Class Pitches
So you've reviewed your MAP & Plans, met with an advisor, but you're still unsure of what class to pick? The videos below were developed by our faculty to learn more about some unique courses to consider!
PSY100: Career Exploration & Planning with Taylor Nash -
AUD100, AUD120, AUD110, AUD130 with Brady Corcoran -
EGR113 Engineering Graphics 1 with Jay Smith -
COM111 Public Speaking with Michael Anderson -
EET232 Programmable Logic Controllers with Bob Chaphalkar -
ENG224 Writing for the Media with Michael Anderson -
HST212 African- American History with Brian McCall -
MUS110 Music Appreciation Stand Lit with Josh Wagner -
PSY101 Intro to Psychology with Lisa Blackford -
BIO220, 240 and CUL210 with Julie Sheerin -
SOC101 Intro to Sociology with Brandon Everest -
ART181 and 182 Printmaking 1 and 2 with Glenn Wolff -
HST225 American Civil War with Stephen Siciliano -
ENG221 Creative Writing with Alissia Lingaur -
THR151 - Basic Acting with Rachael Herrell