Career Exploration

Career, Industry and Occupational Outlook Information

There are a number of resources that can assist you in obtaining information about careers and academic programs/majors. The following websites can help you to expand your knowledge of career options, learn about industry and employment trends, and gain an understanding of related academic programs and majors.

  • allows you to explore the job outlook for various careers and job postings in the local area, and find the level of education you'll need to be hired.
  • includes information on hundreds of occupations, including job outlook, education and training, related occupations, and salary ranges.
  • provides occupational information. A variety of search options are available including researching by keyword, industry and skill sets.
  • provides occupational and industry information as well as other career related tools.

Academic Programs and Information about Majors

In addition to academic program descriptions found on 17³Ô¹Ï's website, the following websites include profiles of college majors and careers:

The Advising Center offers free career counseling services to 17³Ô¹Ï students deciding on a career or program of study. , a free online service, is also available to assist you in assessing your interests, abilities and values. Contact our office for password information.

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