Contact Us

Writing & Reading Center (WRC)

Scholars Hall 221, Front Street Campus (#2 on the Front Street Campus map)
1701 E. Front St.
Traverse City, MI 49686

(231) 995-1189

Email: (monitored weekdays when we are open for business)

Want to make a Writing Center appointment? Are you a current student?


Directions to book an appointment: The easiest way to schedule an appointment is . But if you're on campus, you can also drop by our main location in Scholars Hall 221 during our regular weekday business hours, when our WRC staff will help you make an appointment. Or email us and we can get you scheduled, too.

  • Advance appointments are highly recommended: The most convenient way to schedule an appointment (if you're not in Scholars Hall), is to book . Otherwise, come visit us during our weekday hours in the WRC (in Scholars Hall 221) or email us in advance (at least one business weekday), to optimize your chances at your preferred time slot.
  • If we can accommodate same-day/walk-in appointments in person at SH 221, we will.
    • While we cannot guarantee it, you can always try to drop-in, if you are in Scholars Hall, to see if we have staff reader availability to meet with you on the spot. If we can help you, we will. But please understand, during busy times, we may not be able to help with a same-day walk-in request.

WRC Email Response/MySuccess Appointment Confirmation: Depending on when you send your email request, WRC staff will typically respond via email by that same day during business hours, or usually within the first hour or so of our opening shift for after-hours emails. WRC staff will confirm your request for virtual/Zoom appointments with further information about the session (e.g., confirmation of time slot, names of WRC reader/s who will be meeting with you during your appt, additional required information to process the appointment). FYI: Whether you self-schedule your appointment via MySuccess or email the WRC to book your appointment, you will receive a MySuccess Google calendar email notification confirming your appointment.

If a student who has sent in an email request for an appointment (both in-person or Zoom) has not heard back from the WRC within 1–2 business weekdays during our regular hours of operation, please email again.

Please know that the WRC will be using Zoom for online appointments.The Zoom link to join your meeting will be included in the WRC email appointment confirmation you receive back from our lead staff reader and also in the MySuccess Google calendar notification email generated automatically by your appointment booking in MySuccess. When it is time for your Zoom appointment, please refer to either of these two communications to find your Zoom link, so you can join your virtual/remote meeting.

FYI: Even if you schedule an in-person appointment, our automated system will also include a Zoom link. You can ignore that link and come for your in-person meeting, which you should have already secured via email or when you self-scheduled in MySuccess.

To contact the WRC staff with other questions , we ask that you direct your inquiries via email as follows, depending on your purpose:

The WRC email inbox will be monitored regularly during business hours by WRC staff. You can also drop in to our Scholars Hall 221 location or call us during our regular weekday business hours.

Finally, please understand the following, due to our pedagogical mission:

  • WRC Readers are not professors. WRC Readers will do their best to offer feedback that they think will make assignments more successful, and are not looking to debate content or assignment requirements with students. Bring an assignment sheet with you to refer to if you have questions about your professor's requirements and we will look at it and help you interpret, OR we will direct you to ask your instructor if we aren't sure. 
  • The WRC does NOT offer students "drop-off" service. Instead, a student must meet in-person or virtually with a WRC staff reader to review their draft during an appointment/session.
  • The WRC does NOT offer proofreading/error correction service. Instead, the WRC staff works with students on their drafts, offering suggestions to help them improve and revise their writing overall. We aren't editors, but we are here to help you learn to do your best.
  • WRC grade disclaimer: A WRC appointment does NOT guarantee a student a particular grade from their instructor on their final draft. Instead, WRC staff will read your draft-in-progress and make suggestions for improvement and revision; however, they are NOT faculty and as such will offer NO evaluation/prediction of a grade you might expect to receive from your instructor.

 Writing & Reading Center (WRC) Director Sarah Wangler

Sarah Wangler — Communications Instructor
Phone: +1 (231) 995-1187
Office: Scholars Hall SH227F

Spring 2025

The WRC is located in Scholar's Hall 221.


  • Mon: 9 a.m.–6 p.m.
  • Tu:    9 a.m.–6 p.m.
  • Wed: 9 a.m.–6 p.m.
  • Th:    9 a.m.–6 p.m.
  • Fri:   9 a.m.–3 p.m.

Reader Hours at 17³Ô¹Ï Library

  • Sun: 3 p.m.–7 p.m.

Weekend Zoom-Only Hours

  • Sat: 10 a.m.–12 p.m.
  • Sun: 11 a.m.–1 p.m.