Faculty Testing Guidelines

Faculty may initiate testing services with the Osterlin Testing Center by contacting the Center at (231) 995-2134 or testingcenter@nmc.edu.

Each test or set of tests submitted to the Center must be submitted with a Proctor Request Form.

Tests may also be sent to the Center via U.S. Postal Service to:

Osterlin Testing Center

1701 East Front Street
Traverse City, MI 49686

Tests can also be hand delivered or sent through campus mail.

  1. Completed tests can be returned via interoffice mail, email, postal service (please provide a self-addressed stamped envelope), or the instructor can pick up tests from the Center main desk.
  2. Please do not send an entire class to the Center for testing at the same time. We may not be able to ensure enough space.
  3. Instructors are asked to set the start and end dates for their tests. These dates will be adhered to and tests not completed will be returned immediately.
  4. Completed tests will be collected and mailed within 1 business day of the test closing.
  5. Please provide testing instructions to your students. It is helpful if instructors inform students of the testing parameters and that they will need to present a photo ID when requesting the test in the Center.
  6. If students violate testing guidelines established by the instructor and/or the Testing Center, the Center reserves the right to collect the test before the student has completed it. The instructor will be informed of the guideline violated.