Global Endorsement Details

Point System

The Global Endorsement is constructed around a categorical point system. Students are required to obtain a minimum of 100 total points with a minimum amount in each of the following three categories:

1. Academic Courses (globally intensive courses)

Courses are worth 15 points per section and a student must complete a minimum of 3 with a grade point of 2.5 or higher. 17³Ô¹Ï has a combination of inherently global offerings which is listed on the Global Endorsement web site ( In addition, each academic year there will be an expanding number of courses which are global by section. They will be listed on the website by course/instructor, i.e. ECO 201 - Macroeconomics - Kahn. The year prior to listing, the course outcomes and syllabus will be reviewed for inclusion by a sub-set of faculty members chosen from the Curriculum Committee. We encourage faculty to use the resources available (University of North Carolina - World View, Florida International University - Global Learning) to infuse a course with contemporary intercultural components. By offering this option, students who are pursuing an applied science degree will also have the ability to complete a globally relevant course, or courses in their field of study. For example, a student in Law Enforcement might choose the following courses to satisfy the academic category: PHL 121 Western Religions, PLS 132 Comparative Governments and ENG 112 English Composition – Sprenkle (a course that has been infused with a framework of globally pertinent content).

2. Global Experience

Participation in 10 days or more of an overseas study abroad (50 points), completion of a minimum of 10 hours of domestic international service learning (10 points minimum, 30 points maximum), or completed research or creative project focusing on an international topic that involves personal interactions with individuals, artifacts or ideas from a culture outside of the US (30 points).

  • Study Abroad

17³Ô¹Ï will continue to offer five or more overseas experiences each year. Countries will vary, but options will include existing partnerships in Costa Rica, South Africa, Brazil, the UK and China.

  • Domestic International Experience

Domestic experiences can include work or internships with area businesses who deal internationally (Higher Grounds, Safe Passage, Northern Michigan Global Trade Alliance), or with components of the local community that focus on distinct cultures (Leelanau Children’s Center – migrant population, 17³Ô¹Ï Tutoring - international students, Grand Traverse Literacy Council – Ukrainian population). 17³Ô¹Ï will help interested students set up opportunities through the Office of International Services & Service Learning. The Traverse City area is demographically not a large cultural center; therefore, we encourage students to first consider the option for available study abroad or independent research.

  • International Research Project

This option, encompassing at least 30 hours of research and work, is similar to an honors contract and is designed in consultation with the director of International Services & Service Learning and/or a supervising faculty member. Public presentation of the research, if required, will count toward the total hours needed. Students choosing this option will be required to have completed both ENG 111 and 112 with a 3.0 GPA or higher.

Within the Global Experience category, students will also be able to count previous international experience gained within the previous four years of their Global Endorsement application. Point totals will be given for official documentation in the following:

  • Living abroad for 6 months or more - 50 points
  • Hosting an exchange student or living abroad for less than 6 months - 25 points

*Points will not be given for international high school trips. The Global Endorsement is granted by 17³Ô¹Ï and the International Advisory Board has determined there is a distinct difference in a faculty designed experience focusing on specific discipline content as opposed to a trip offered at the high school level which is often set up as an introduction to a specific country.

3. International Events

Attendance at a minimum of four 17³Ô¹Ï international events, one per semester is required. Events can be a variety of experiences such as a Latin American band at the Dennos, a visiting lecturer discussing the foundations of apartheid in South Africa, a Student Life sponsored film on women’s issues in India, or an international student’s lecture on his/her home country. A listing of each semester’s events will be available on the Global Endorsement web site. Each is worth 5 points and a student is expected to include a relative reflection during their final capstone presentation. To track attendance at events, students receive a “Global Endorsement Passport” immediately after submitting their application for the 17³Ô¹Ï Global Endorsement. Students bring the passport to each event where it can be stamped by a designee from the Office of International Services and Service Learning. 17³Ô¹Ï will offer 10–15 international events each semester.

Capstone Presentation

Once 100 points have been achieved, the student is required to present a 30-40 minute capstone presentation related to their participation in global learning opportunities to the director of International Services & Service Learning and 1-2 selected faculty members. The student’s progress will be housed within an electronic portfolio residing in a Moodle shell and available for display during their capstone.


Once the capstone has been approved with documentation, International Services and Service Learning will submit the student’s name and completed review to the 17³Ô¹Ï registrar who will then add the Global Endorsement to the student’s official study transcript.

For questions, contact 17³Ô¹Ï International Services and Service Learning at (231) 995-2527