Surveyor and equipment photo

Remotely operated vehicle photo

Joystick and computer screen photo


Micro credential illustration Micro credential illustration Micro-credentials are an aggregate of courses built around a competency that that can be taken as a standalone program or stacked to earn an academic degree or certificate. Micro-credentials are designed to provide specific workforce-ready skills in an accelerated timeframe. The micro-credential career pathway is a program for new students, professionals, military, and others seeking to up-skill their career paths.

Micro-credential Benefits

  • Provide short-term, immediate competency skills.
  • Demonstrate to employers about specific skills and competencies learned.
  • Supplement an existing degree program with complementary skill sets.
  • Ladder from a stand-alone micro-credential to an academic degree (associate or bachelor's).

Micro-credential Program: The micro-credential program leverages the existing proven technical programs at 17³Ô¹Ï and is focused on the marine, engineering, geospatial, survey and unmanned systems technologies. Outlined below are the seven micro-credentials being offered and their respective competencies and courses.

Micro-Credentials List




Electrical Systems & Troubleshooting


Electrical studies I
Electrical Studies II

Microcontroller Applications


Microcontroller programming
Microcontroller Systems

PLC Applications

Programmable logic controllers (PLC's)

Industrial Controls
Programmable Logic Controllers

Machining Fundamentals

Fundamentals of machining operations

Print Reading and Sketching
Machining I

Industrial Maintenance

Electronics, fluid power and PLC's

Electrical Studies I
Fluid Power
Industrial Controls
Programmable Logic Controllers

Marine Data Processing

Remote Sensing, Sonar Systems & Data Processing
(Systems focus)

Remote Sensing and Sensors
Underwater Acoustics and Sonar
Marine GIS & Data Processing
Advanced Marine Survey & Data Processing

Marine Geospatial Data Management

Data processing and management in the marine environment
(Data management focus)

Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
Marine GIS & Data Processing
Advanced Marine Survey & Data Processing

ROV Systems & Troubleshooting

Marine Technology Systems

Great Lakes Research Technologies
ROV Systems & Operations

Advanced Marine Platforms

Marine Technology Systems

Great Lakes Research Technologies
ROV Systems & Operations
Advanced Marine Platforms

UAS Technician

Unmanned Aerial Systems

Remote Pilot Flight
Commercial Drone Operations

Survey Fundamentals

Survey fundamentals and applications

Fundamentals of Surveying
CAD for Surveying
Construction Survey Applications

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