ELI Learning Symposium
The 3rd Annual 17³Ô¹Ï ELI Learning Symposium featured a variety of student and faculty artifacts, experiences and scholarship, including oral and poster presentations on research and community engagement projects, external programs, academic courses, service learning experiences, internships or community partnerships. The symposium exhibits the diverse ways 17³Ô¹Ï students and faculty engage in high-impact teaching and learning.
- WHAT: The symposium highlights those who have engaged in experiential learning and other high impact practices in and/or out of the classroom and have shown an elevated level of exploration, discovery and innovation.
- WHO: Any faculty, staff and students engaged in experiential learning and other high impact practices.
- WHEN: April 29–May 2, 2024
- WHY: The 17³Ô¹Ï ELI wants to create a space for all 17³Ô¹Ï stakeholders to celebrate and learn about the many excellent learning experiences on our campuses.
2024 Learning Symposium Slideshow of Highlights
2024 17³Ô¹Ï ELI Learning Symposium Schedule Of Events
- April 29–May 2:
- Displays and Artifacts in the Timothy J Nelson Innovation Center (TJNIC) lobby and hallways
- Slideshow of Fall 2023 - Spring 2024 experiential learning events and courses
- April 29:
- Jim Bensley and Marina Call's Study Abroad student panel from 12: 15–1 p.m. in TJNIC Rooms 103
- Charles Macphee's EGY 105 Sustainable Building Design student presentations from 6–7:15 p.m. in AL 110 A (Aero Park Laboratories)
- April 30:
- Hollianne McHugh's MFG 203 Manufacturing/Engineering Processes student presentations from 10:30–11:15 a.m. in TJNIC 106/107
- Reflective Table Talks by students and student groups from 12–1 p.m. in the TJNIC hallways
- VCA 225 student non-profit posters
- Ceramic Conference student reflections and student artwork
- Glen Wolff's Ex Libris project
- Audio Technology student projects
- Honor's project on dance
- ESports coach and student reflections
- May 1:
- Brandon Everest's SOC 201 Modern Social Problems student final presentations from 1–2 p.m. in the NEW LOCATION: Scholars Hall 105
- Kristy McDonald's BUS 231 Big Little Hero Race student reflections from 3–4:15 p.m. in the TJNIC 106/107
Past Symposiums
2023 17³Ô¹Ï ELI Learning Symposium Schedule Of Events
- May 1–4:
- Displays and Artifacts in the Timothy J Nelson Innovation Center (TJNIC) lobby and hallways
- on monitors in TJNIC hallways
- May 1:
- Jim Bensley's Study Abroad student panel from Noon–12:45 p.m. in TJNIC Rooms 104/105
- At 17³Ô¹Ï, study abroad is strong! Over 500 students in the last eight years have engaged in faculty-led short term study abroad experiences in over 23 countries. Join us and ask any question to a panel of current and former students who traveled with 17³Ô¹Ï. Find out why it is said, "Of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport." The student panel will consist of: Kristin McLintock–Brazil (2019), Spencer Elhart–France (2022), Emma Gullekson–UK (2022), Kaitlyn Shepard–India (2018).
- Brady Corcoran and Audio Technology reflections from 1–2 p.m. in TJNIC Rooms 104/105
- The presentation will give an overview of the audio technology program curriculum and will highlight student projects and testimonials. It will also include day to day student experiences, working at Founders Hall, experiential learning opportunities and how those can lead to work after graduation.
- Jim Bensley's Study Abroad student panel from Noon–12:45 p.m. in TJNIC Rooms 104/105
- May 2:
- Reflective Table Talks from 11 a.m.–1 p.m. in TJNIC hallways
- This is an informal session where students and staff will share about their projects and events at tables in the hallways.
- MFG 203 Course, SCARy Highlights, Jobs for Michigan Graduates, Student Ambassadors and Coaches, Audio Technology, and HBA Build a Better Home Series
- Water Studies Final Presentation (WSI 433)
- Caroline Schaefer-Hill's Visual Communications reflections on Visiting the Van Gogh exhibit and How it Impacted their Projects from 1–1:45 p.m. in TJNIC Rooms 106/107
- Students from this course will present on their application into work from the Van Gogh Exhibit.
- Reflective Table Talks from 11 a.m.–1 p.m. in TJNIC hallways
- May 3:
- Tony Sauerbrey's Uncrewed Aerial Systems demo and presentation from 11 a.m.–Noon in TJNIC Rooms 106/107
- The demo will include a discussion about the drone industry and how drones are being used today along with an overview of the drone program at 17³Ô¹Ï. The demo will also include a flight demonstration of one of 17³Ô¹Ï's uncrewed aircraft outside (weather permitting).
- Brandon Everest's SOC 201 Modern Social Problems final presentations from 1–2 p.m. in TJNIC Rooms 104/105
- Learners will share their final reflections detailing their journeys through the semester studying social problems with presentations about their activities and assignments, as well as service and citizenship in the community. To conclude the semester, students have to share a proposed solution they hypothesize helps to solve some aspect of the problems they studied.
- Kristy McDonald's BUS 231 Big Little Hero Race reflection from 3–4 p.m. in TJNIC Rooms 106/107
- Students will present a mixed media presentation on their service learning project, Big Little Hero Race. Students in this professional communications course have collaborated to put together a 1 mile Fun Run, 5k Walk/Run, a 10k Walk/Run, and a post race festival. Proceeds benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwestern Michigan and 17³Ô¹Ï’s College for Kids program. As the final assignment in this experiential learning course, they will reflect about their personal experiences and the project outcomes.
- Tony Sauerbrey's Uncrewed Aerial Systems demo and presentation from 11 a.m.–Noon in TJNIC Rooms 106/107
- May 4:
- Welding student presentations from 10–11 a.m. in TJNIC Room 103
- Independent welding student projects on Cad programming and robot programming will be shared with photos and videos. The independent study was completed at Sherwood Manufacturing in Northport. .
- 17³Ô¹Ï Motorsports Club "Gearheads" reflections from 1–1:45 p.m. in TJNIC Rooms 106/107
- The 17³Ô¹Ï Motorsports Club includes students of various studies with a common interest in motorsports. With the various talents in the 17³Ô¹Ï Motorsports Club, students design, build, and race vehicles geared toward college sanctioned SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) competitions. Members of the group are currently planning the steps for their next project labeled "Project Hawk Owl".
- Welding student presentations from 10–11 a.m. in TJNIC Room 103
2022 17³Ô¹Ï ELI Learning Symposium Schedule Of Events
- May 2–5:
- Displays and Artifacts in the Innovation Center lobby and hallways
- Educational Highlight Slideshow on monitors in the Innovation Center hallways
- May 3:
- Presentation "Implementing Social Networking & Professional Development Opportunities in the Classroom" with Scott Goethals at 1 p.m. in IC 104/105
- May 4:
- Leadership Luncheon (by invite) at noon in IC 106/107
- Presentation "SOC 201 Final Presentations" with Brandon Everest at 1 p.m. in IC 104/105
- Informational Table Displays with Presenters from 1–3 p.m. in IC Lobby
- Presentation "Freshwater Studies: Bridging Waterways Across the Americas" with Constanza Hazelwood at 2 p.m. in IC 103
- Presentation "BUS 231 Big Little Hero Race Reflection" with Kristy McDonald at 3 p.m. in IC 106/107
- May 5:
- Presentation "Intro to the Humanities Experiential Portfolio" with Jim Bensley at 12:30 p.m. in the IC 104/0105
- Presentation "My Role as a Record Producer" with 17³Ô¹Ï student Amanda Woodruff at 2:30 p.m. in IC 106/107
- Presentation "Engaging 17³Ô¹Ï in Traverse City's Startup Community" with Keith Kelly at 3:30 p.m. in IC 106/107
Aero Park Campus–May 5: Tech Grill Out from 3–6 p.m.
May 3
Scott Goethals: "Implementing Social Networking & PD Opportunities in the Classroom"
For several years, the CIT department has used Social Networking and Professional Development opportunities as a way to keep "Community in the Community College". In this session we discussed how these experiential learning opportunities are implemented as a grade requirement in the classroom.
May 4
Brandon Everest: "SOC 201 Final Presentation"
Modern Social Problems students reviewed experiential learning projects and their learning throughout the semester. Every student chose a topic, participated in a simulation around it, studied the topic more deeply and identified a problem for service or citizenship action. Alongside artifacts of scholarship, they reflected on the semester in our final class for the semester.
Constanza Hazelwood: "Freshwater Studies: Bridging Waterways Across the Americas"
Overview of the global project "Bridging Waterways Across the Americas," funded by the US Department of State. This session introduced students to a hybrid global opportunity where students and faculty from La Salle University in Colombia, and the Freshwater Studies program at 17³Ô¹Ï are exchanging scientific and cultural knowledge and experiences both online and in-person.
Kristy McDonald: "BUS 231 Big Little Hero Race Reflection"
17³Ô¹Ï's BUS 231 students presented a mixed media presentation on their service learning project, Big Little Hero Race. Students in this professional communications course have collaborated to put together a 1-mile Fun Run, 5k Walk/Run, 10k Walk/Run and a post race festival. Proceeds benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwestern Michigan and 17³Ô¹Ï’s College for Kids program. As the final assignment in this experiential learning course, they reflected about their personal experiences and the project outcomes.
May 5
Jim Bensley: "Intro to the Humanities Experiential Portfolio Project"
The Humanities Portfolio asked students to leave the screen and discover (and sometimes create) the past in the present. Students had to think creatively as they compiled a collection of community examples related to the study of the humanities from the Baroque era through the 20th century.
Amanda Woodruff: "My Role as a Record Producer"
Final Project Presentation included a brief overview of Amanda's experience in the Audio Tech program, tour of her e-portfolio website, a showing of her final project with includes an album of 10 original songs with an explanation of the process, promotion of the album and time for questions and answers.
Keith Kelly: "Engaging 17³Ô¹Ï in Traverse City's Startup Community"
Traverse City’s startup community continues to build momentum, creating new opportunities for business and career growth. Innovation can occur in any 17³Ô¹Ï program or lab space, but how can we build cross-curricular teams that link our students’ ideas, capabilities and efforts into this broader entrepreneurial community? This session featured five 17³Ô¹Ï Startup student pitches that were presented to the community during the student pitch competition on May 13 as part of Northern Michigan Startup Week. Keith provided detail on the related 17³Ô¹Ï Startup Seminar course and discussed other events scheduled as part of this first annual Northern Michigan Startup Week.
2024 Symposium Marketing Materials
Marketing and promotional materials were created by VCA 225 students Morgan Reames, Kane Williams and Marcus Johnson.
Past Symposium INFO (2022–2023)
Virtual Events
- Educational Slideshow (19.2 MB PDF)