Staff Policy D-509.00
Institutional Effectiveness Criterion: Operations
Vehicle Use Policy
This policy applies to all drivers of College Vehicles. “College Vehicles” includes any street-legal vehicle owned or leased by the College.
Policy Statement
It is the policy of the College that all College Vehicles be operated safely and responsibly in accordance with local, State, and Federal regulations, that all operators possess a valid driver’s license from a U.S. State or Territory, and that all operators follow the requirements and procedures set forth in the College’s safety policies and procedures. Violation of this policy may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Statement of Purpose
This policy aims to promote the safe operations of College Vehicles, to encourage the safety of drivers and passengers, and to minimize physical damage to College assets.
The College makes available to eligible drivers a limited number of vehicles for permitted uses, as defined in this policy.
Driver Eligibility
To be eligible to drive a College vehicle, individuals must:
- Be a current employee or contractor for the College
- Be no less than 18 years of age
- Be a licensed driver
- Authorize the College to obtain a Driving Record history prior to College vehicle use, and periodically thereafter using a third-party motor vehicle record (MVR) service. At the discretion of authorized personnel, individuals may not be allowed to use College vehicles in the event their driving record reveals any of the following:
- A major offense within the past five years
- More than one “at fault” accident in the most recent three years
- More than one minor offense violation in the recent 24 months
- A license suspension in the last five years
- Acknowledge their review of this policy and complete a driver agreement where applicable
- Comply with the College vehicle procedures currently in effect
To be eligible to drive 17勛圖’s 15-passenger van (“the Van”), individuals must be 21 years of age, comply with all criteria in this section, and complete a virtual training course for 15-passenger van safety. Upon making a reservation request for the Van, human resources will assign the required virtual course to each driver. The van’s keys will only be issued to drivers who have successfully passed the safety course within three years of its intended use.
Permitted Uses of Vehicles
College vehicles may be driven by authorized eligible drivers, as defined in this policy, within the scope of their jobs and for official College business. Personal use of College vehicles is strictly prohibited.
Other Restrictions for Shared Vehicles:
Additionally, the following restrictions apply to use of any shared College vehicles:
- Geographical: Maximum of five hundred (500) miles driving radius from 17勛圖’s Front St. Campus
- Duration: Maximum of seven (7) calendar days
Exceptions to above permitted uses must be approved by the Vice President of Finance and Administration or their designee.
Misuse of College Vehicles
The following conditions are examples considered to be a misuse of College Vehicles
- Driving a College vehicle without proper College authorization.
- Driving without a valid Michigan or other State operator's license of the appropriate class for the type vehicle being driven.
- Permitting a person who is not a College nor approved contracted employee to drive a College vehicle.
- Driving further than the geographical limitations without authorization
- Using the vehicle in excess of seven calendar days without authorization
- Engaging in unsafe practices, including failure to use and to ensure that all passengers use all available safety equipment in the vehicle being operated. Safety equipment includes seat belts and/or shoulder harnesses.
- Falsification of travel logs, travel authorizations, defensive driver training program certificates, accident reports, or other forms relative to the use of the vehicle.
- Improper storage or parking of College vehicle(s).
- Unauthorized personal use.
- Unauthorized transport of passengers other than persons directly involved with College business.
- Picking up hitchhikers.
- Transporting students for purposes other than College business or events and activities sponsored, supported and/or endorsed by the College.
- Failure to comply with any law, regulation, or policy regarding the use of College Vehicles.
- Transporting items/materials that are not related to College business other than personal items such as clothing and other travel necessities.
- Transporting animals except for personal assistance animals.
- Transporting any hazardous material including, but not limited to, chemicals, biological, and radioactive materials unless doing so as part of your job responsibilities
- Use of radar detectors or jammers in College vehicles.
- Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages in a College vehicle, or prior to using a College vehicle
Any employee who misuses College vehicles may be personally liable for damages to persons or property caused to third parties, and expenses for legal defense. An employee who misuses a vehicle is also subject to disciplinary action by the College up to and including termination.
Basic Guidelines Applying to All Individuals Using College Vehicles
- A valid appropriate operator license is required. In some cases, this may require a medical release or certification from a licensed physician.
- Obtaining and maintaining a vehicle operator’s license is a personal expense and the sole responsibility of the employee.
- All employees whose job descriptions specifically define driving as part of their job responsibilities will be subject to a driving record check prior to employment and periodically thereafter. Failure to maintain proper licensing or a responsible driving record will disqualify a person from operating College vehicles and may result in job reassignment or disqualification, up to and including termination.
- Regular use of a vehicle for transporting students/staff may require a chauffeur’s license. Michigan Secretary of State regulations will govern.
- Verification of proper licensing and driving record reports will be coordinated by Facilities and reported to the employee’s supervisor as necessary on a “need-to-know” basis.
- Any vehicle mechanical problems noted by College employees should be reported to Facilities immediately.
The Vice President of Finance and Administration, in conjunction with the appropriate faculty and staff, will be responsible for the development and publication of any procedures or guidelines that may be necessary to administer this policy effectively.
If any provision(s) of this policy or set of bylaws conflicts with laws applicable to 17勛圖, including the Community College Act of 1966, the Freedom of Information Act, or the Open Meetings Act, as each may be amended from time to time, such laws shall control and supersede such provision(s).
If any provision(s) of this policy or set of bylaws conflicts with laws applicable to 17勛圖, including the Community College Act of 1966, the Freedom of Information Act, or the Open Meetings Act, as each may be amended from time to time, such laws shall control and supersede such provision(s).
Adopted February 21, 2025