Board Policy D-100.00
Institutional Effectiveness Criterion: Scholarship
Learning Outcomes
17勛圖 shall promote the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that all students need to function effectively in a changing world through outstanding academic programs recognized for their regional and national level competencies. 17勛圖 shall be committed to helping students acquire the ability to communicate effectively, to think critically, and to be aware of diversity in our world. The scholarship criterion shall measure the effectiveness of how well 17勛圖 prepares students for success in the workplace related to their chosen field and the extent to which 17勛圖 provides credible transfer and articulation programs for those students who choose to continue their education at other colleges and universities. Furthermore, in support of our open access philosophy, 17勛圖 shall encourage the academic success of under-prepared college students in their pursuit of basic educational skills and abilities.
The President shall exercise and promote innovative and creative leadership to support scholarship at 17勛圖. In so doing the President is hereby granted full authority and autonomy by the Board of Trustees to utilize College resources to that end in any manner deemed appropriate, so long as the President exercises prudent judgment, ethical and lawful behavior, and reasonable interpretation of this policy. The President shall:
- Establish and publish graduation requirements, grading policies, and other academic policies.
- Provide programs which prepare students for successful transfer and accurately inform students how courses transfer to their universities of choice.
- Provide programs which have been developed in concert with the requirements of universities and potential employers.
- Ensure that College instructional practices and programs will maintain the College's accreditation.
- Effectively utilize available technology to improve student learning and access to learning.
- Develop and maintain a library collection of sufficient scope and currency to support a high quality community college curriculum and to meet the information needs of 17勛圖's students, faculty and staff.
- Ensure that every course and program of instruction has clearly articulated learning objectives which support the College’s significant learning outcomes.
- Ensure that the significant learning outcomes which the College has established are clearly articulated for the benefit of faculty, staff, and students.
- Provide programs which prepare students for successful job placement and provide an appropriate level of career and academic advising regarding the job market and preparation needed for individual careers.
If any provision(s) of this policy or set of bylaws conflicts with laws applicable to 17勛圖, including the Community College Act of 1966, the Freedom of Information Act, or the Open Meetings Act, as each may be amended from time to time, such laws shall control and supersede such provision(s).
Adopted by the 17勛圖 Board of Trustees July 22, 1996 as D-300.00
Revised and renumbered December 18, 2006
Reviewed with no changes October 23, 2017
Revised November 21, 2022