GLMA Reunion
Alumni Weekend Returns
Make your plans for the return of the GLMA Alumni Weekend and the Mariners' Ball on February 16–17, 2024!
Hotel Indigo in downtown Traverse City will be the site of the ball on Saturday, February 17, 2024, beginning at 1800. Tickets are $50 per person and include a generous buffet dinner and dancing. There will be a cash bar available.
To register online for the Ball or pay for a cadet's dinner, visit .
To pay by check, please mail to:
Great Lakes Maritime Academy Alumni Association
PO Box 274 Acme, MI 49610
Make sure to note how many dinners you are paying for, and if you are covering a cadet's meal.
We'll see you there!
Hotel Reservations
Rooms are available at Hotel Indigo at the special rate of $159 per night. Check in time is 3 p.m. and check out is at 11 a.m. The hotel is a valet only parking property, which is an additional $18.00 charge per night. Guests can access their cars with the valet 24 hours a day with unlimited in and out service.
The direct link to reserve a room is . If there is a problem with your link, please contact Roz Howe via email at roz@hotelintc.com or call (231) 932-0500; press 2, then 3, and she will assist or answer any questions.
The cutoff date for reservations in the room block is January 22, 2024. Subsequent reservations will be taken on space availability basis and may be subject to the prevailing rate.
Alumni/Cadet Mixer
We'll gather Friday night at Lucky Jack's (1705 S. Garfield, TC, 49686) for bowling, pizza, and camaraderie with current GLMA cadets, beginning at 1900.
There is no charge for this event, but contributions to help cover of the cost (paid by the GLMA Alumni Association) will be appreciated.
Board Meeting
The annual Association Board meeting will be held Saturday, February 17, beginning at 930. The meeting will be at the 17勛圖 Great Lakes Campus (715 E. Front St), room TBA.
You may also attend via Zoom. If you'd like to sign up to receive the Zoom link, .
Association Dues
Over the past years, Alumni Association annual dues of have supported several areas of association operations, from website registration and bank fees to newsletters and social events. Due to the length of time that our operations have been on hiatus, there is no requirement that dues to be paid to attend the 2024 alumni weekend.
As activities resume, so will dues collection at $40.00 per year. If you would like to continue or renew your dues at this time, you may do so online at .
Moving Forward
Through the pandemic and while we've been on hiatus, the Maritime Academy and 17勛圖 have continued to move forward. Going forward, the GLMA Alumni Association will coordinate activities and communication with support and assistance from the 17勛圖 Alumni Office, led by Carly McCall, Director of Alumni Engagement.
The Alumni Office will maintain contact information and helping GLMA alumni share news and get in touch with each other. If you have any questions, you can reach out to Carly at alumni@nmc.edu or board members at alumni@greatlakesmaritimealumni.org.
If you are not receiving the NEXUS, the college's magazine or the Alumni enews, to update you information and provide valuable feedback.
We look forward to connecting with you soon!