COVID-19: Recent News

NOTE: The Keep Safe page is 17勛圖’s hub for COVID information.

May 23, 2022

As of May 23, 2022, 17勛圖’s COVID-19 response team has decided to pause updates to the cases on campus dashboard for the summer semester, when the on-campus population ebbs significantly. The spread of COVID-19 on campus has slowed greatly since the winter months. Cases rose 63 percent in January-February (102 to 167), but only 6 percent in March-April (167-178). Over the same time, the prevalence of at-home testing increased significantly. Positive results may not be reported to campus or any health authorities, meaning the dashboard no longer offers an accurate picture of the virus on campus.

February 22, 2022

Important update on masks

Starting Monday, February 28, 17勛圖 will move to a new phase of our COVID-19 response. Masks will be recommended, but no longer required while inside 17勛圖 buildings.

February 15, 2022

Masks required while committee considers changes

Masks will continue to be required while the COVID-19 Committee and the Reimagining Learning Committee discuss how to continue to meet our goals of keeping our students and employees safe, while limiting the disruption to learning.

February 3, 2022

Important Mask Updates

We have some important updates and reminders on 17勛圖’s masking policy and resources as we continue to respond to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic.

January 18, 2022

Welcome to the spring semester! Whether you are a new or returning student, please review 17勛圖’s COVID-19 safety precautions.

January 13, 2022

COVID-19 updates & reminders

As we begin the spring semester, we’d like to provide you with updates and reminders regarding COVID-19 safety precautions. Our goals remain the same as they have since the pandemic began in March 2020: Keep our campus community safe while limiting the disruption to learning.

December 15, 2021

Change in case notification procedure beginning Dec. 19

As we prepare to enter the third year of the pandemic, the COVID response team is making some adjustments to the notification process.

November 1, 2021

2021 Fall COVID-19 Safety Reminder Video

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