Availability History
This web
page is intended to be used as a tool to help disciplines monitor the
enrollment of courses, determine when additional sections need to be offered,
and determine how many sections and seats to offer for courses in the
future. The following pieces of information are provided in an effort to help with this:
The program is run each night for all semesters that currently allow registration. When a semester (e.g. Spring) no longer allows registration, the data for that menu option is no longer updated. The page remains static as of the last date that registration activity was allowed, until registration is activated for the following year's Spring semester.
One of the options on the Discipline Menu, is titled "Freshman Driver Courses". This option reports data for courses that are typically taken by incoming freshman. Since a lack of seat availability in these courses may impact total student headcount, a separate menu option was provided so extra attention could be paid to these areas.
The first column displays the Subject Code, Course Number, and Title for the course. The second column contains a description of the statistics on that line. The last 5 columns display the statistics for the course for the last 5 years on equivalent dates, with the current year being the last displayed. The equivalent date is normally calculated by selecting the date that is the same number of days away from the start of the semester. Other options for the equivalent date include using the same date for all years (i.e. using July 1st for all years),\ or choosing a date that represents the same number of registration days for each year.
Total Sections Offered |
Counts all active sections for the campus selected, excluding independent studies and sections marked as Counseling Center Services. Cross-listed sections (sections that are taught in the same room at the same time) are treated as one section and are only counted under the first course that appears on the report. Example: If ART 142 had two sections, but one was cross-listed with ART 141, the Total Sections Offered for ART 142 would be 1. The other section would be included in the Total Sections Offered count for ART 141.
Total Seats Offered |
Contains the sum of the Maximum Enrollment allowed for each individual section, as well as the Joint Maximum Enrollment assigned to cross-list groups if this is the first academic course in the group that is listed on this report.
Cross List Group Code(s) |
A code is assigned to each group of sections that are cross-listed together. If any of the sections for the course were part of a cross-list group, the Cross List Group Code is included on this line. The line can contain multiple Cross List Group Codes if more than one section of this course was part of a cross-listing. The Cross List Group Codes are separated by a comma. This information is included to help answer questions about Total Sections Offered...
Seats Taken on As-of Date |
The total enrollment for all sections of this course on the As-of Datedisplayed in the column heading. If a section is cross-listed with Extended Education section(s), enrollment for the Extended Education section(s) is also included in the Seats Taken count if the course is the first academic course listed on the report.
% of Seats Taken on As-of Date |
The total enrollment (or Seats Taken) for all sections of this course on the As-of Date, divided by the Total Seats Offered
Total Population on As-of Date |
The total number of unduplicated students enrolled academically on the As-of Date displayed in the column heading.
Seats Taken/Total Pop on As-of |
The percentage of the total student population that were registered for the course on the As-of Date.
Seats Taken on Report Day |
The total enrollment for all sections of this course on Report Day.
% of Seats Taken on Report Day |
The number of Seats Taken on Report Day divided by the Total Seats Offered.
Total Population on Report Day |
The total number of unduplicated students enrolled academically on Report Day, which is approximately 2 weeks into the semester.
Seats Taken/Tot Pop on Rpt Day |
The percentage of the total population on Report Day that was registered for this course.